Treatment Option:
Reciprocal In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

What is Reciprocal In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

Reciprocal In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment option primarily used by same-sex female couples or transgender individuals wanting to share a biological connection with their child. In this process, one partner provides the eggs, which are then fertilized with donor sperm in a laboratory setting, similar to conventional IVF. The resulting embryos are implanted into the uterus of the other partner, who will carry and give birth to the baby.

This approach allows both partners to be physically and biologically involved in the conception and pregnancy of their child. One partner contributes genetically through her eggs, while the other experiences pregnancy and childbirth. Reciprocal IVF offers a unique opportunity for same-sex couples to both have a direct biological and emotional connection to their child, enhancing their shared experience of parenthood.

The Reciprocal IVF Journey

Initial Consultation

Our fertility specialists will guide you through the process, discuss your medical history, and determine the best course of action.

Choosing a Sperm Donor

Selecting a suitable sperm donor, involves finding a match that meets your personal preferences and compatibility needs.

Fertility Treatment

Hormonal treatments are provided to stimulate egg production in the genetic mother.

Egg Retrieval and Fertilization

Eggs are retrieved and fertilized in the lab with donor sperm.

Embryo Transfer

The healthiest embryo(s) are transferred into the gestational mother's uterus.

Pregnancy and Beyond

We provide continuous support throughout the pregnancy and post-birth journey.


  • In traditional IVF, the woman who provides the eggs also carries the pregnancy. In Reciprocal IVF, one partner donates the eggs, and the other partner carries the pregnancy, allowing both partners to have a unique biological connection to their child.

  • Reciprocal IVF is ideal for same-sex female couples or transgender couples who wish to both have a biological and emotional connection to their child. It's suitable for those with healthy egg production and a uterus capable of carrying a pregnancy.

  • The success rate of Reciprocal IVF is similar to traditional IVF and depends on factors like the age and fertility health of the egg donor, sperm quality, and the uterine environment of the partner carrying the pregnancy.

  • Sperm donors can be chosen through a sperm bank, where you can select based on various criteria like physical characteristics, education, background, and health history. While it is not included in our package, we provide guidance and support throughout the selection process.

  • The risks are similar to those of traditional IVF, including ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, multiple pregnancies, and the usual risks associated with pregnancy and egg retrieval procedures.

  • The Reciprocal IVF process generally takes about 3 to 6 months, starting with initial consultations and planning, followed by ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer. The process includes a few weeks for ovarian stimulation, 5-6 days for embryo development in the lab, and additional time to prepare the uterus of the carrying partner. A pregnancy test is conducted approximately two weeks after the embryo transfer to confirm the success of the procedure.

  • In Reciprocal IVF, only one partner can be genetically connected to the child. This process involves one partner providing the eggs, which are then fertilized with donor sperm, and the other partner carrying the pregnancy. While this allows both partners to participate biologically in the pregnancy – one through genetic contribution and the other through gestation – the child will only have a genetic link to the partner who provided the eggs.

Start Your Fertility Journey:
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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)


Shared Egg Freezing (IVF)