Treatment Option:
Shared Egg Freezing (IVF)

What Is Shared Egg Freezing?

Shared Egg Freezing in the context of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is where two or more women share the costs and the harvested eggs from an egg retrieval procedure. This approach is typically considered by women who want to preserve their fertility by freezing their eggs in a cost-effective way. Here’s how it generally works:

Cost Sharing
The women involved in the shared egg freezing arrangement split the cost of the IVF cycle. This makes the process more affordable as compared to bearing the entire cost individually.

Egg Retrieval
A single egg retrieval procedure is performed, during which eggs are collected from the ovaries of the woman undergoing stimulation and egg retrieval.

Egg Allocation
The retrieved eggs are then divided among the participating women. The division could be based on a predetermined agreement or may depend on the number of eggs retrieved.

Freezing and Storage
The allocated eggs for each woman are then cryopreserved and stored for future use. When one of the participants decides to use her eggs, they are thawed, fertilized with sperm, and the resulting embryos can be used for an IVF cycle.

Discover Your Personalized IVF Success Probabilities

Discover your personalized IVF success probabilities with the Live Birth Predictor, a tool created by SART based on extensive data from nearly 500,000 therapy cycles since 2006.

This calculator evaluates your likelihood of achieving a live birth, taking into account various personal factors such as height, weight, and the cause of infertility - the latter may require a physician’s assessment and could change over your treatment course. It's important to note that this prediction is most accurate for individuals who have not previously undergone IVF treatments. Access the SART Live Birth Predictor now to better understand your IVF possibilities.

What’s Included

Our Comprehensive Package Includes:

Anesthesia IV
IVF Embryo Freezing


Anesthesia is administered to ensure the patient's comfort and safety during the egg retrieval process, minimizing discomfort and stress.

Egg Freezing

Egg freezing is an integral part of IVF, offering the opportunity to preserve embryos for future use or additional pregnancy attempts.

IVF Uterine Egg Retrieval

Egg Retrieval

Egg retrieval involves a precise medical procedure to collect mature eggs from the ovaries, which are then used for fertilization in the lab.

IVF Embryo Storage

Egg Storage

The service includes one year of egg storage, providing a secure and controlled environment to maintain the embryos for potential future use.

IVF Transvaginal Ultrasounds

Transvaginal Ultrasounds

Transvaginal ultrasounds, performed up to three times, allow for close monitoring of the ovaries and the development of follicles during the treatment cycle.

IVF Virtual Follow Up Visit

Virtual Follow Up Visit

A virtual follow-up visit is scheduled after the procedure to discuss the outcomes, next steps, and any further recommendations during the treatment cycle.

Please Note That The
Following Are Not Included

Diagnostic Testing and Infectious Disease Screening
Prior to initiating fertility treatments, comprehensive diagnostic tests and infectious disease screenings are performed to ensure the health and safety of both the donors and the future baby.

Storage Fees After First Year
A fee of $600 is charged for the storage of eggs, billed annually after the first year, to maintain them in a viable state for future use.

The cost of medications, typically ranging from $3,000 to $4,500, covers the fertility drugs required for ovarian stimulation and other stages of the IVF process.

Donor Service
Generally, donor services offer the option to use donated eggs, sperm, or embryos, for those who require them due to various reasons, such as personal choice or medical necessity. At Arbor Fertility, this service is not included in the Shared Egg Freezing process.

Lab Fees
Lab fees associated with the laboratory work during the Shared Egg Freezing treatment process are billed to insurance.


  • In Shared Egg Freezing, participants undergo a single egg retrieval process, and the harvested eggs are divided among them. The costs of the IVF cycle, retrieval, and storage, are shared, generally making it more affordable.

  • This option is ideal for women who wish to preserve their fertility for future use but are looking for a more affordable alternative to a full-cost egg freezing cycle.

  • The division of eggs depends on the total number retrieved and the agreement between participants.

  • Eggs can be safely frozen for several years. The exact duration can depend on individual circumstances and technological advancements.

  • The risks are similar to those of traditional egg freezing and IVF, including medical risks from fertility medications and egg retrieval. There's also the potential for fewer eggs to be available for each participant than in individual cycles.

  • We specialize in coordinating the matching process, pairing individuals based on compatibility in terms of timing, medical factors, and legal agreements. In these cases, you might not personally know the other participant(s) in the shared cycle.

  • In cases where egg retrieval yields fewer eggs than expected, the distribution will follow the terms set out in the legal agreement. This scenario should be discussed and agreed upon before the procedure.

Start Your Fertility Journey:
Contact Us Today.

Let us know if you have questions about fertility, treatment options, or pricing! (This form is not intended for the treatment or diagnosis of an individual’s medical history.)


Reciprocal In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)


Virtual Fertility Care