Treatment Option:
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Embryo Creation

What is IVF Embryo Creation?

In the intricate process of creating an embryo, an essential role is played by the embryologist at Arbor Fertility, who meticulously fertilizes one or more of the harvested eggs with sperm, either from a partner or a donor. IVF embryo creation is a sophisticated and carefully timed process, integral to the success of IVF treatments. It offers a valuable option for individuals and couples facing infertility, enabling the possibility of conceiving a child.

What’s Included

Our Comprehensive $7,500 Package Includes:

IVF Embryo Freezing

Egg Thaw

The process often begins with the thawing of previously cryopreserved eggs, delicately warming them to a viable state for fertilization.

IVF Sperm Preparation

Sperm Preparation

Sperm preparation involves selecting the highest quality sperm, improving the chances of successful fertilization and healthy embryo development.

IVF Embryo Storage
IVF with Single Sperm ICSI Fertilization

Embryo Storage

The service includes one year of embryo storage, providing a secure and controlled environment to maintain the embryos for potential future use.

ICSI (Fertilization)

ICSI, a technique where a single sperm is injected directly into an egg, is employed to enhance fertilization rates, especially useful in cases of male infertility.

Please Note That The
Following Are Not Included

While embryo transfer is a key step in achieving pregnancy, it's important to note that the careful placement of a developed embryo into the uterus is a distinct procedure and not included in the Embryo Creation process at Arbor Fertility.

Embryo Biopsy and Genetic Testing
Embryo biopsy and genetic testing, conducted to screen embryos for genetic disorders and ensure their health and viability, are advanced procedures that are not included as part of the standard Embryo Creation process at Arbor Fertility.

Diagnostic Testing and Infectious Disease Screening
Although important for ensuring the health and safety of donors and the future baby, comprehensive diagnostic tests and infectious disease screenings are not included as part of the Embryo Creation at Arbor Fertility. These services are recommended prior to beginning any fertility treatments.

Lab Fees
Bloodwork lab fees are billed to insurance or are provided for $400.

Storage Fees After First Year
At Arbor Fertility, a fee of $600 is charged for the storage of embryos or gametes, billed annually after the first year, to maintain them in a viable state for future use.

The cost of medications, typically ranging from $3,000 to $4,500, covers the fertility drugs required for ovarian stimulation and other stages of the IVF process.

Donor Service
Generally, donor services offer the option to use donated eggs, sperm, or embryos, for those who require them due to various reasons, such as personal choice or medical necessity. At Arbor Fertility, this service is not included in the Embryo Creation process.


  • Egg thawing is the first step in IVF Embryo Creation when previously frozen eggs are carefully warmed to a viable state for fertilization. This process is done with precision to ensure the integrity of the eggs.

  • ICSI is a specialized fertilization technique where a single sperm is injected directly into each egg. This method is particularly effective in overcoming certain types of male infertility and improving fertilization rates.

  • The procedure includes storage of embryos for one year. Embryos are cryopreserved and kept in a controlled environment, allowing for future pregnancy attempts or for planning siblings.

  • The success rates vary based on several factors, including the age and fertility health of the individuals involved. ICSI and careful embryo selection can enhance success rates.

  • Yes, you can discuss with your fertility specialist the number of embryos to transfer. However, the decision is often guided by medical advice to maximize chances of success and minimize risks.

  • At Arbor Fertility, the IVF Embryo Creation procedure is priced at $7,500. This comprehensive cost includes several key components of the process: Egg Thaw, where previously frozen eggs are carefully warmed for fertilization; Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) for direct sperm injection into the eggs; Sperm Preparation to ensure the highest quality sperm is used; and 1 Year of Embryo Storage, providing a secure and controlled environment for the future use of the embryos. This package ensures a complete and integrated approach to the embryo creation phase of IVF treatment.

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Egg Freezing (IVF)


Frozen Embryo Transfer